Our Vetting Process - What Makes Us Different?

Our Vetting Process - What Makes Us Different?

We believe our vetting process is what makes us different.  In fact, we may be the only organization in the country that does what we do.

Vetting Metrics - 6 Questions

Tackle a cause of homelessness?

No Stop | Yes Proceed

Number of people attempted to house last year?

Know their success rate?

Know their success rate after 1 year?

Is their effort

Focus on chronically or recently homeless?

For a better explanation of our vetting process, watch this short video:

From their answers an objective vetting summary is tabulated.

We identify four organizations to be presented at our annual fundraiser where each is highlighted in a short video. Donors who have given $1,000 or more that year vote on how the money is allocated to the four financial grant recipients. The organization with the highest number of votes is awarded 40%. The other three recipients each receive 20%. Last year HHF provided a total of $200,000 in financial grants. Our goal is to be able to increase that number every year to further impact the homeless crisis.